Potentials of Oil Extracted from Sawdust as Feedstock for Biodiesel Production


  • OD Ogundele
  • AB Sobogun
  • JO Jayeola


Pollution being a global problem facing the world, there is the necessity for substitution of fossil fuel with more efficient fuels that are eco-friendly and renewable (biofuel). This research aims to turn waste to wealth and provide a green approach to fuel. Saw dust was collected from a local saw-mill in Owo, Ondo state Nigeria and characterized. The result obtained from the physicochemical analyses of the saw dust showed moisture content 10.58%, pH 8.23, tap density 0.43, bulk density 0.32, true density 1.36g/dm3 and compressibility index 20.33%. Afterwards, oil was extracted through soxhlet extraction using n-hexane as a solvent with 0.1M, 0.2M and 0.3M NaOH as catalyst. The percentage yield of the extracted oil with 0.1M NaOH (Oila), 0.2M NaOH (Oilb) and 0.3M NaOH (Oilc) were 13.20%, 14.03% and 15.57% respectively. The specific gravity of the oil range from 0.80 (Oilc)-0.91 (Oila), viscosity 4.50-4.70, refractive index 1.37-1.52, flashpoint 132-1360C, saponification value 161-171 mg KOH/g and iodine value 118-134 mg I/g. The extracted oil was used for the production of biodiesel via base-catalyzed transesterification using ethanol and NaOH. The physicochemical properties of the produced biodiesel were analyzed for specific gravity (0.849), kinematic viscosity (2.9), acid value (0.502 mgKOH/g), cetane number (45.82), cloud point (5.07 0C), flash point (1400C). From the results obtained in this study, the physicochemical properties of the produced biodiesel were within ASTM recommended values, indicating a quality fuel production.


