Investigation of Bio-accumulation of Heavy Metals in the Organs (Heart, Lungs, Kidneys and Livers) of Wild and Domestic Animals in Owo Environs.


  • MB Okunade
  • DA Oyegoke
  • OD Owolala
  • A Ademola


Wild animals, Domestic animal, Organs, Heavy metal


Fresh organs (hearts, kidneys, lungs and livers) of three cane-rats i.e grass-cutters(Thryonomys) were collected on different days at Bush animals market at Emure-ile, Owo. Also organs of three cows (Bos taurus) and three goats (Capra aegagrushircus) were collected at Oja-oba Central Abattoir in Owo. The organs were transported to the laboratory for analysis. A known weight about 10g of each organ was taken, dried in the oven between a temperature of 100 -110oC for about 3-4 hours and weighed intermittently until a constant weight was obtained. Samples were transfer into the muffle furnace for ashing between a temperature of 400-700oC. The period of ashing was between 3-4 hours to ensure total ashing of the samples. The heavy metals Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd), Chromium (Cr) and Copper (Cu) were determined by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer, model Buck Scientific, 210/211 VGP. The results showed the level of concentrations in all the part of the organs of the respective animals. The overall conclusion of the study recommends that all the organ parts should not be consumed


