Phytochemical Properties and Antibacterial Analysis of Aqueous and Alcoholic Extracts of Coconut Husk Against Selected Bacteria


  • T Temikotan
  • AO Daniels
  • AO Adeoye


Phytochemical, Antibacterial, Coconut husk, Aqueous extract, Alcoholic extract, Agar diffusion method, Antibiotic sensitivity disc


The objective in the present study was to review the phytochemical profile, and antibacterial analysis of C. nucifera husk to guide future preclinical and clinical studies using this plant. This study is aimed at evaluating the antibacterial activity of coconut husk fiber extracted from aqueous ethanol, and ethyl acetate on Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Klebsiella pneumoniae. The antimicrobial activity of the coconut husk and the antibiotic susceptibility of the organisms were done on Muiller Hinton agar using agar diffusion method.  10 g of crude extract was reconstituted in 100ml of Dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). Comparative antibiotic susceptibility test was carried out on test organisms using commonly used antibiotics discs. The coconut husk extract had the antimicrobial activity against E. coli (10mm for ethyl acetate extract and 8mm for ethanol extract) and K. pneumoniae (11.2mm for ethanol extract and 5mm for distilled water extract). Antibiotics resistance profile of the tested organisms subjected to standard antibiotics showed that E. coli had 80%, P. aeruginosa was resistant to 60%, K. pneumoniae was resistant to 90% and S. aureus was resistant to 70% to the antibiotics used. The phytochemical analyses carried out on the coconut husk extracts showed the presence of Flavonoids, alkaloids, resins, glycosides, saponins and tannins. Terpenoids and steroids were not detected. This study shows that Cocos nucifera (coconut) husk has the ability to inhibit the growth of specific bacteria which are E. coli and K. pneumoniae.


